34th International Dog Show Messina September 30 2007 Fiammetta BOB ..
 | The month of September for us and our dogs finish very well, we are at Messina
for the 34th International Dog Show, the judge is the Dr. Dondina Paolo and in the catalog there are 29 cirnechi from all over Sicily! Our
Fiammetta (Aurora),in young class arrived 1° excellent on 5 dogs and she is also the Best of Breed ....! |
Gemma is 2° exc. on 9 dogs and Fiorino is 2° exc. on 6 dogs,the Bos is Piriddu, bred by us, full
brother of Gemma, son of Pupa and Secondo (Iris del Gelso Bianco) Let's go home full of joy knowing that our dogs always stand on all
for elegance and typicality. | |